How secure is your password? Let’s find out

ISV Launch Cyber Security Test and Training...


I bet I can guess your password.



Or at least, I could take an educated guess on what your password might be.



Despite the fact that we are constantly told to have a secure password and to change it regularly, I’m sure some, if not all, of the following apply to you:




How many of the above can you tick off the list?



This is a light-hearted take on a serious subject. Data security may not be the juiciest topic (unless it really does float your boat in which case, happy days you are probably having a grand old time right now) but it is important. More than important, data security is a hot topic right now and any breaches can get you and your business into serious trouble.



GDPR and Login Security



You may have heard of the General Data Protection Regulations or GDPR for short. If not, you should be aware of them. The regulations are already in place but they become enforceable in 2018. As the Information Commissioner’s Office said ‘make no mistake, this one is a game changer for everyone’.



As a recruiter, HR or Talent professional you are likely to have access to a huge amount of personal data, whether that’s for candidates or colleagues. You might just have access to this data or your company might be storing it, either way, the regulations apply to you. If your password to access this personal data is compromised, it’s not going to look good. Serious fines are likely to be administered for data breaches. Either you or your company will have to pick up the tab for these.



So, when you are advised to pick a secure password, it really does make sense. Use a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. A secure password will be something non-identifiable to you. Change your password on a regular basis and try to avoid the same ones.



If you haven’t changed your password to FastPath or ISV Online for a while, then login and do it now!



For more details about GDPR and to register for the next in our series of informative webinars, head here.



And just to be extra sure, if your password features on this list of The 25 Worst Passwords, change it immediately and be more creative!






ISV.Online is the leading supplier of skills testing software and services to the UK Recruitment Industry.  Used by 9 of the top 10 UK agencies, by number of offices, and 7 of the top 10, by revenue, ISV.Online offers candidate skills assessment and evaluation software and online training tools, allowing agencies and in-house HR/recruitment teams to validate the skills of potential candidates and existing employees across a wide range of areas.


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